Arnolda Booysen 28 August, 2023

DITL – GIZ Monitoring and Evaluation Intern

Have you ever stumbled upon a passion you never knew existed? For some, it's the world of Food Science and Technology - a realm of diverse opportunities and exciting challenges. In this blog post, we dive into a personal journey of how a chance encounter with Food Science led to a fulfilling career. This is Luttfried Muronga Kudumo, a very close and dear friend of mine. Let's dive into his story!

Why did you choose food science? How did you find out about it?
''When I was applying to the University of Namibia I had my sights set on engineering or veterinary medicine. However, fate had other plans for me. I was introduced to Food Science and Technology by the Faculty Officer for Agriculture as a potential alternative. Curiosity led me to do some research on Food Science and I was fascinated by my findings. The various specializations like brewing and food safety piqued my interest, and that's how I found myself on this path''

What do you love most about the field?
''What I truly appreciate about Food Science is its expansive nature. The industry itself is vast, spanning everything from agriculture and fishing to food processing. This diversity empowers individuals to choose their specialization and find their unique niche within the food industry''

Tell us about your career path since graduating from the University of Namibia.
''After graduating in April 2023, I joined GIZ on a contract basis. This opportunity allowed me to explore the practical application of my Food Science knowledge. Currently, I'm working on the GIZ-F4R Project, specifically within the monitoring, evaluation, and database management department. My career path has just started so I am thrilled and excited about what awaits me''

Could you explain, in basic terms, what you do? What are your major responsibilities?
''In my role, I focus on data entry and analysis. Our team gathers data from various project components, and my responsibility is to keep our database up-to-date with this information. This data is crucial for informed decision-making. Additionally, I contribute to training sessions and related tasks''

Describe how you work with other teams in your company.
''GIZ F4R has various components that cover different aspects of our projects. For example, we have teams for seed multiplication, agribusiness, climate adaptation, and more. These teams are directly involved in the fieldwork and data collection. They provide me with the data they gather, which I then integrate into our database''

Which classes from your college experience do you find most applicable to your current role?
''Fruit and vegetable processing, along with post-harvest technology, have been incredibly relevant in my day-to-day work. Since I often engage in field activities, the knowledge from these courses proves invaluable. Additionally, the insights gained from product development courses have been quite useful as well''

Specializing in something you're passionate about can open doors to innovative growth in the agricultural sector

Any advice for people looking to get into the field of food science?
''My advice to those intrigued by Food Science is to wholeheartedly embrace the field. It's an area of study with countless opportunities, particularly if you have a passion for agriculture. Industries like fishing, livestock, and crop production offer a diverse range of roles. The market for Food Science is expanding, and there's growing awareness about its significance''

Any words of wisdom for current food science students aiming to make an impact?
''To my fellow students, keep pushing forward. Don't lose sight of your aspirations. Completing an honors degree is a fantastic start, and don't hesitate to explore further, pursuing a master's degree. Specializing in something you're passionate about can open doors to innovative growth in the agricultural sector. Your critical thinking can truly make a difference. Critical thinkers are needed to boost our industry''
Luttfried’s journey from discovering Food Science to making an impact as a GIZ Monitoring and Evaluation Intern is an inspiring tale of unexpected opportunities. His insights shed light on the exciting and diverse world of Food Science, demonstrating how a single twist of fate can lead to a fulfilling career.

Thank you Luttfried!

Instagram: luttfriedaddy
LinkedIn: Luttfried Kudumo